Fr. Nicetas Lekhan: on "Christians" who are the friends of Satan

"The dragon's joy is to wipe the name of Christ from off of the earth, and Sergius, Alexei and Pimen are helping him. Yet how are they helping him? They agreed to expel the Priest from School! 

The dragon is cunning and wise: he took hold of the main weapons into his hands. He has come to an accommodation with Sergius, Alexei and Pimen and they hand over all of the school children to the dragon for their upbringing. This dragon made them learned, and scientists, and they now proclaim to the whole universe that there is no God, that Christ is a myth and the Gospel is nothing but illusory stupidity. This is of great help to the dragon and joy to Pimen!

That is why Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky stated: “Nero, Diocletian and Julian the Apostate were less hostile toward Christ’s Church than these beasts: these devils in human form i.e. the Bolsheviks”. And here, Sergius, Alexei and Pimen are friends with the devil! How can Christ dwell in a Church that was created by friends of the devil? Can Christ infuse into the bread and wine for the communion of believers?

In the magazine “Heavenly Bread”, we read the following: “To pray for a theomachist and blasphemous Soviet authority, whose aim is to erase the name of God from the earth, is to commit a graver sin than the sin of Christ’s crucifiers – greater than that of Judas the betrayer!” It’s frightening! And why is this so? Why is the sin of Sergius and his followers, greater than that of the crucifiers and Judas?

It’s because Judas and the crucifiers betrayed and crucified only our Lord Christ, while Sergius, Alexei and Pimen:   

1. Betrayed Christ.

2. Befriended the enemies of Christ.

3. Sold Christ’s Church to the Jews.

4. Lured and corrupted many millions of believing youths – akin to brothers of Christ, and are leading them toward perdition 

Thus, you can see that your children have become friends with Christ’s enemies, about which Saint Dimitry of Rostov speaks: “Know this Christian: if you become friends with Christ’s enemies, then you too become Christ’s enemy”. And if you, will not abhor the sin of your children, then you too will be judged with them even though you are not committing the sin. Thus St. Nilus of Sora states: “He who does not abhor sin will be judged as a sinner even though he is not committing the sin”. Attached to this, is an example of a Spiritual testament, extracted from the book of St. Dimitry of Rostov.

Let us go back and once more read that the dragon had defeated the saints. I would like you to firmly be convinced that the saints defeated by the dragon are in fact Sergius, Alexis and Pimen, because over a period of 2000 years, there has been no one similar to the Bolsheviks, no one who renounces anything and everything – except themselves.

[For more information, from Fr. Nicetas, on the subject of "the dragon who defeated the saints" please see: ]

And it wasn’t in error that Metropolitan Anthony labelled them devils in human form! And thus, devils in human form defeated the saints – Sergius and all those with him, and made them not only their friends but more so, their brothers, because he has given away his soul for the Bolsheviks. In his Declaration he writes: 'We want to be Orthodox and at the same time, acknowledge the Soviet Union as our civil Motherland, whose joys and successes are our joys and successes, and misfortunes, our misfortunes. Every blow that is aimed at the Union: be it war, boycott, some societal calamity, or simply random killing akin to that of Vashavsky, will be recognised as a blow against us. In remaining Orthodox, we remember our duty: to be citizens of the Union, not only in fear, but in conscience as the Apostle teaches us (Rom. 13:1)'.

From all of this, we are convinced that Sergius turned out to be an enemy of Christ. Let it be known about the true faith - anyone that wishes well to the schismatics, heretics and godless, is an enemy of Christ’s Church! Whoever is friends with them, and gives them gifts – is an enemy of the Church and Christ Himself, Who is the Head of the Church!

This is akin to a person who befriends the King’s enemies, gives them drink and food – he is not the King’s friend but his enemy. Likewise, a person who has himade friends with the enemies of the Holy Church, which is the Body of Christ, is not a servant faithful to Christ, but an enemy to Him. And when a son loves his father's enemy, he truly does not love his father, and from his father he is unworthy of love. In the same way, a Christian, when he loves the enemies of Christ: schismatics, heretics, blasphemers, atheists - truly does not love Christ, so he himself will not be loved by Him! Christ loves those who love Him! How can he say that I love Christ, the one who communicates with those who tear apart the robe of Christ? If you love Christ, be far from those who blaspheme the Church of Christ and, who like dogs, bark at her and, who like wolves, howl and torment her and tear at her vestments. One must emulate the Prophet David, who says: 'Am I not to hate those that hate You, O Lord, and outraged at those who rise up against You. I detest them with full hatred: they are my enemies.'

May it be known to you in what society your relatives are found. Everything is quite clear even without the prophesies! However this will not be understood by those whom God has betrayed to the action of delusion, unto a perverse mind - to those who are full of all untruth, who are friends of the Bolsheviks and who are participants in the actions of lies."

(The above text has been kindly translated by Seraphim Larin.)