Against the "ecclesiastical" mission of Satan’s throne


The address of Metropolitan Anastassy (Gribanovsky) at the IX Diocesan Assembly in 1956:

I am glad to join your labors with the greeting of “Christ is Risen!”

What is your duty? You have to strengthen the unity of Pastors and laity: deepen Church awareness – check it, examine the correctness of your path… We are witnessing the diminution of the clergy, which is quite a woeful sight. We entreat God to send new shepherds into our field. But let us thank God for what we have: our Church work is growing. Let us not ascribe this to our own efforts, but rather to the grace of God. Our Diocese does much in helping the whole Church. There is the supplying of literature and the publication of Church books. The monastic life is flourishing. The Church continues to educate the youth. The Orthodox way of life is being strengthened. But the main merit of our Church lies in Her implacable battle against the frightening evil of Communism, which is aspiring to seize the whole world.

It’s pertinent to recall the words of the Apostle: “see then that you walk circumspectly” - conniving Communism. It changes colours like a chameleon. It used to wage open warfare – now it has changed tactics. In extending their hand, it declares that the world is big enough and has room enough for everyone, so there is no need to have any anxieties. And its efforts don’t remain fruitless. How can this be explained? Evil gains possession through charm. Energy is also active through which the propaganda is conducted: the importance of creativity in the selection of the method of allurement. It’s also important that exhaustion is felt in the struggle, and that’s why the prospect of a promised rest receives an especial appeal.

All this clouds the conscience and weakens opposition.

There exist different attitudes between two antipodes – total inflexibility and full capitulation. Today, a middle course - neutrality is especially dangerous when the real face remains hidden. This facilitates the victory for Communism: he, who is not against it, is for it…   

Our unfortunate Motherland is Satan’s Throne. Help came to Communism from the so-called “Soviet Church” – so named as distinct from the true Church… being the reliable and loyal collaborator of Communism. There, where the doors are closed to the direct servants of Communism – the “Soviet Church” is there to serve the Bolsheviks. The day is nearing when such “ecclesiastical” activists will arrive in the USA, headed by the energetic and talented Metropolitan Nicholai, who is renowned for his propaganda. His mission – disseminates poison. One would become despondent if the light of Truth did not break through exposing this evil. 

A new international-church movement has arisen. Our small flock is not afraid to expose its [true] face in our battle with evil. These days, there was an assembly in New York where sermons were preached against Communism - exposing it as a global evil, while a warning was given to the World Council of Churches urging it  not to commune with the “Soviet Church”.

Involuntarily, a hand reaches out to us. And we must meet it halfway. We must bear witness that these activists who call themselves representatives of the Church, are not so - that under their clerical vestments they are the servants of Communism. Metropolitan Nicholai glorified the genius of Stalin and summoned people to join his personality cult! He stood at Stalin’s coffin next to the other Red officials. This is the height of shamelessness! 

For a 1000 years Russia was founded on the rock of the Church. As soon as she left this cornerstone, she was weakened in body and spirit. And for 38 years now She's dwelt in this weakened state. There is only one path to restore Her health – a return to the Ecclesiastical Truth. This is the only thing that can cure us, just as Christ cured the paralyzed man. It must be understood that this enfeeblement is our suffering for sins. Christ is calling us, the Church Abroad, in the spirit of Church truth to oppose those lies and deceptions, which the Soviet Church is creating. It’s time to divest ourselves of sin and clothe ourselves in truth. The Lord is calling for the exploit of confession! Whoever creates and teaches, will be called great in the Heavenly kingdom!

(Source: Orthodox Russia, 1956, no. 11. The text above has been kindly translated by Seraphim Larin)